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Empowering Neurodiversity in the workplace with Microsoft 365

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This October, Neurodiversity Month provides us with a timely opportunity to highlight the importance of supporting our neurodiverse colleagues in the workplace. As we strive for inclusivity and quality, it is crucial that we recognise and embrace the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiverse people bring to our teams. Neurodiversity comes in all shapes and sizes. It's an umbrella term referring to the natural variations in our brains and how they function. Essentially, it's the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them differently.

According to Harvard Health, there is no "right" or “wrong” way of thinking and learning, and these differences are not deficiencies. In fact, these differences bring an array of talents, skills, and exceptional cognitive abilities, making neurodiverse individuals a valuable contribution to any workforce. Some of the most common types of Neurodiversity include: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Autism, ADHD, OCD, Sensory processing disorder and others.

Neurodiverse people make up 15-20% of the world population, and companies can unlock their full potential by creating a progressive workplace where they feel valued and supported. When employers embrace Neurodiversity in the workplace, they gain a competitive advantage in innovation, culture, and talent retention.

This blog will explore the top accessibility features included within Microsoft 365 that aim to create a workplace environment that actively supports neurodiverse users. Join us on this journey as we delve into the importance of supporting neurodiverse colleagues during Neurodiversity Month.

Understanding Neurodiversity in the high-performance workplace

When neurodiverse people are well supported in the workplace, there is clear and compelling evidence that they can thrive and make significant contributions. Recent studies found that companies that champion neurodiversity and disability inclusion benefit from 28% increased revenue and 30% better profit.

Birkbeck's Research Centre for Neurodiversity at Work Report states that neurodivergent employees possess remarkable abilities and work strengths, and employers concur with over 80% reported hyperfocus, 78% creativity, 75% innovative thinking, 71% detail processing and 64% people being authentic at work.

Neurodiverse colleagues can bring a wealth of unique strengths and perspectives to the workplace. Their exceptional attention to detail, heightened pattern recognition and ability to think outside the box can drive innovative problem-solving and creative solutions. Their deep focus and intense dedication to tasks can result in remarkable productivity and high-quality work. By embracing and harnessing these strengths, organisations can unlock the full potential of neurodiversity and drive excellence in the high-performance workplace.

Microsoft 365: a platform for inclusive work environment

In one of our previous blogs, we included a list of useful resources to improve accessibility and digital inclusion. In this article we’re highlighting the ways in which Microsoft 365’s suite of productivity tools can enable a more inclusive and accessible environment that empowers our neurodiverse colleagues.

These tools are designed to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and ultimately, increase efficiency in the workplace. Applications include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams and each integrates with the others. This enables users to work efficiently across multiple tasks and projects. However, beyond core functionalities, Microsoft has acted on its strong commitment to accessibility, ensuring that their technology is accessible to everyone.

By incorporating accessibility features into Microsoft 365, the platform empowers neurodiverse individuals to unleash their full potential. From providing enhanced reading and comprehension environments and experiences to reducing distractions including customisable settings, these features cater to the unique needs of neurodiverse employees.

Top accessibility features in Microsoft 365

  • Read Aloud

    This feature reads text aloud, supporting individuals who may have difficulty with reading or comprehension.

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  • Immersive reader

    Provides customisable settings for font, spacing and text-to-speech to assist users with their reading experience in Microsoft Edge, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and OneNote.

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  • Dictation

    Allows users to use their voice to dictate text in Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint, reducing the need for manual typing.

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  • Simplified Ribbon

    Reduces visual clutter, making it easier to navigate local functions.

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  • Colour filters

    By applying colour filters, users can customise the display to reduce visual stress and improve readability.

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  • Focus assist

    Reduces distraction by minimising notifications and interruptions allowing for a more focused and productive work environment and enhancing concentration.

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  • Tell me

    Let's you quickly access commands in several Office 365 applications without having to remember their exact name or location in the ribbon.

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  • Microsoft Editor

    It’s more than a spell check and available in 20 languages, this closed-sourced AI-powered feature supports your writing with Text Prediction and provides users with refinements like clarity, conciseness, formality, vocabulary suggestions and more.

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Best practices for implementing Microsoft 365 accessibility features

To implement Microsoft 365 features effectively it’s important to prioritise customisation and personalisation. Allow individuals to adjust settings and preferences according to their specific needs. This can include options for visual, auditory, and cognitive adjustments such as font size, colour schemes and audio cues. By providing these personalisation options, your organisation can empower neurodiverse users to tailor their Microsoft 365 experience to best suit their individual requirements.

Another best practice is to educate your neurodiverse users that these features are available to them, and how they can best make use of tools they use every day to enhance their working experience to best suits their needs. Simplify complex procedures and provide step-by-step guides to ensure ease of understanding and implementation. Visual aids, video tutorials and interactive demos can also be beneficial for enhancing comprehension and usability. Regularly communicate and remind employees about the availability of these features to maximise the benefits.

Additionally, fostering a culture of inclusion and understanding is essential. Encourage open and respectful communication among colleagues to promote awareness and empathy towards neurodiverse colleagues. Conduct awareness training sessions or workshops to educate employees about Neurodiversity.

Empowerment through action

Embracing Neurodiversity and fostering inclusion in high-performance workplaces is crucial for creating a diverse and supportive organisation where everyone thrives. Microsoft 365 accessibility features play a vital role in supporting neurodiverse colleagues, allowing them to customise their experience and excel in their roles. By leveraging these features and empowering neurodiverse individuals, organisations can tap into the unique talents and perspectives they bring, driving innovation and success.

It is now more important than ever for organisations to actively embrace inclusivity and provide accessible technology that caters for everyone in their workforce. In doing so, they create an environment where every employee can thrive. This not only enhances productivity but also promotes a sense of belonging and well-being.

At SoftwareOne, Neurodiversity is an important topic for us, and we want to ensure that our neurodiverse Swomies feel included, valued, and supported. However, we acknowledge that there is a lot more to be done for us to achieve our targets’. We are committed to listening to our employees and improving with targeted initiatives by educating ourselves, and our employees.

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Discover our DIEB Strategy

As a global company comprised of a diverse workforce in over 90 countries, speaking more than 30 languages, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIEB) is a top priority at SoftwareOne. Our ESG Report expands on our DEIB strategy:

Discover our DIEB Strategy

As a global company comprised of a diverse workforce in over 90 countries, speaking more than 30 languages, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIEB) is a top priority at SoftwareOne. Our ESG Report expands on our DEIB strategy:


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