SoftwareOne case study

Cost optimization working in the Azure Cloud


Cost optimization working in the Azure Cloud

ADAC IT Service GmbH (AIS) is the central IT service provider for all IT services within ADAC. The service is crucial to ADAC's continued success and digital transformation. AIS has gained a fast and flexible entry into cloud services using Microsoft Azure. However, its ever-growing cloud environment made it increasingly difficult to keep track of cloud spending. In addition, there could be no compromise in cloud services quality while optimizing costs of cloud infrastructure.

  • Cost optimization

    without cloud services compromise

  • Sizing

    services structured according to actual demand

  • Savings potential

    revealed in all areas

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ADAC IT Service GmbH
Microsoft Azure
Cost Optimization Assessment
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Cost factor "Unknown cloud expenses"

AIS constantly works to further the development of ADAC digitization using modern technologies. The IT service provider operates an Azure environment to flexibly and quickly provide infrastructure elements including computing capacities and storage space in addition to modern workplace components such as e-mail and communication solutions. Responsibility for individual cost-generating services, such as virtual machines, storage, or databases, is distributed throughout the company. Cloud costs are not passed on to individual departments. As a result, requirements for any cloud environment cost optimization falls to the central service organization.

Due to the complexity and growth of its Azure environment, AIS needed to improve its overview and gain insight to regularly check and correctly dimension its large number of servers. So, to avoid so-called "cloud waste,” SoftwareOne was called in.

SoftwareOne designed a forward-looking Azure Cost Optimization Assessment to remedy the situation and avoid any future chance of incorrectly sized servers, high idle times, or uneconomical license agreements.

Valuable insights into the cost structure of the company's own Azure environment

The Azure Cost Optimization Assessment enabled SoftwareOne to help AIS analyze its entire cloud environment in-depth. SoftwareOne experts performed a tool-based measurement of all current consumption to determine the status. Together with subsequent evaluation of all billing data the assessment helped AIS derive suitable measures for cost reduction.

Using best practices, SoftwareOne evaluated the collected data to make practical recommendations for action. These concrete solution proposals helped make optimal contractual use of deployed licenses, selecting computing power, storage, network, and Microsoft SQL deployment options.

Our goal was to gain valuable insight into the structure of our cloud environment in just a few days. We now know hidden cost traps and can use SoftwareOne's recommendations to adjust the power requirements of the IT systems running in Azure.

Erik, Benedetto

Provider Manager at ADAC IT Service GMBH

Potential savings revealed

The outcomes and benefits of this engagement show the impact our work can make in helping customers achieve their big-picture vision.

SoftwareOne analyzed the actual AIS resource utilization and quickly uncovered potential savings. Our consolidated recommendations report provided ADAC IT Service GmbH concrete instructions for prioritized actions. In addition, results were presented at C-level where corresponding quick wins were formulated to immediately amortize the assessment costs.

AIS now knows its IT systems utilization in Microsoft Azure and the Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) required for its performance needs. This knowledge enables AIS to run its services optimally while maintaining performance at cost-reduced levels. In addition, the overview helps AIS make the right decisions in future projects.

With detailed results, SoftwareOne specified the exact savings potential to be achieved using concrete optimization measures. AIS can now assess which cost savings should be implemented and where to engage an IT service provider with the specialized know-how and expertise.

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