1. Design thinking
What is desired? What is the requirement?
Why are we talking about application modernization? What current challenges are companies facing with regard to application development? What concepts and solutions are available? In this article we will attempt to address these and further questions in greater detail.
The significance of IT has shifted strongly in recent years. The method of working has moved away from the reactive provision of technical resources and support, transforming into an “enabler” role. With the aid of IT, companies can deliver precious added value, which is essential to prevail in the face of competition. Above all, this added value includes software, hardware, data centers, cloud provision and securing expanding flows of data.
IT utilizes end-to-end IT modernization to create the prerequisites for recruiting new skilled staff, as devices and software provide key evidence of the status of digitalization within a company.
Legacy applications constitute the greatest challenge on the path to digitalization. In many companies there are specialized applications in use that have been adapted and optimized for precisely these work approaches and internal processes. Old applications (legacy apps) are often unable to keep pace with the transition in IT, suffering from performance weaknesses and a lack of interfaces in the new systems. The increasing requirements of contemporary data collection and processing as well as evaluation has either left the apps bloated or resulted in isolated applications, as workarounds are required.
Let us look at this issue in detail: what urgent problems have we identified with our customers that affect IT departments and indeed entire companies, and that have an impact on both technical and digital transformation? And what approach can application development take regarding this?
Application modernization means that applications are updated with a contemporary structure (code) and rendered cloud-ready. The fundamental trend in the IT world towards hybrid data centers calls for a rethink – including with regard to the use of business-critical applications. For secure and rapid data processing this includes ensuring legally-compliant transfer, saving and access, as well as the use of the latest options for evaluation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning play an increasing role in this.
The industry already offers “ready-to-use” software that meets specific standardized requirements. Application modernization focuses on software development for specialist requirements. The decision regarding which path is the right one for a respective company and its needs is prepared with the aid of a tried-and-tested procedure.
The path to modernization is as follows:
What is desired? What is the requirement?
What is the solution? Which approach is suitable?
Development of software with modern, iterative methods
Monolithic applications can be successively redesigned, as new functions are added to the "encapsulated" application in modular application sections, via interfaces.
Support input falls increasingly (Encapsule – Rehosting – Rearchitect – Refactoring – Replace – Rebuild)
The complexity of the project increases (Encapsule – Rehosting – Rearchitect – Refactoring – Replace – Rebuild)
With our Application Mondernisation Services you can enhance business agility, productivity and efficiency and receive device-independent solutions. The time up until market readiness of the software is speeded up via our Quick-Win strategy.
Overview of our services:
This reduces the risks and inefficiencies associated with old applications, as we create software using the latest, cloud-based technology. The cloud architecture design facilitates the consolidation of application and data – but also minimizes the risk of downtime thanks to higher reliability and disaster recovery functions.
... for specialist understanding
1. Analysis of the situation
2. Understanding of requirements
3. Coordination and agreement of approach
... for technical realization
1. Specification of target architecture
2. Definition of time plan/input
3. Agreement of processes/methods
... in sprints (drafting/provision, review/tests, iterations)
1. Sprint objective according to acceptance criteria
2. Implementation and automated + manual tests
3. Examination of results/retrospectives
<li>Work approach in iterations</li>
Where necessary, redefinition of milestones, escalations.
Take an in-depth look at application modernization, the risks and issues with outdated applications, and the various ways in which technical implementation can take place. Register for our Application Modernization webinar week and become an App Modernization expert.
Take an in-depth look at application modernization, the risks and issues with outdated applications, and the various ways in which technical implementation can take place. Register for our Application Modernization webinar week and become an App Modernization expert.