What is your typical challenge?
Annual support fee increase
In the past, you bought Oracle licenses for Oracle Database and/or Middleware programs. The annual support fee was (as a standard) calculated at 22% of the net license fee you paid. This annual support fee was (as a standard) increased year-over-year. Historically, this annual inflation rate was 3-4% year-over-year, while today we also see support renewals with an increase of 6% compared to the year before. And the expectation is that, going forward, they will only go up.
Shelfware licenses:
In the past, you bought Oracle licenses for Oracle Database and/or Middleware programs. Your license requirements, however, changed over time meaning that you most likely had licenses in your support contract you no longer used. If you wanted to stop the maintenance for your unused licenses, Oracle would refer you to its “repricing” policy. In short, you most likely just renewed the support for all licenses (including your shelfware licenses), since the repricing would not result in cost savings.
In short: your annual support stream went up each year. You didn’t see any additional value for it and you continued to pay support for unused licenses.