Common issues
As a result of the above, if you change the default permissions or allocate individuals capabilities they shouldn’t have access to, those individuals could move up to a different license than the one that they were granted by default. Moreover, the licensing issues could be created also by people who don’t even have a Cognos account, but who do receive reports created in Cognos Analytics.
Through the “Analytics Viewer" license, individuals without a Cognos account can receive Cognos reports at no-charge. This use right is however not applicable for all kinds of reports. If you have an Authorized User licensing model (meaning that each user with access to Cognos functionalities needs to have his/her own license) and distribute reports that are not eligible for the “Analytics Viewer” license, this might result in a large non-compliance issue.
As an example:
An organization acquires Cognos Analytics Viewer on Authorized User licensing model. A specific report created in the Cognos Analytics application is distributed to the whole company (let’s say 3000 individuals). This particular type of report is not the one covered by the Analytics Viewer license. The organization bought only 100 licenses for users who are actually accessing Cognos and the Analytics Viewer functionalities. If such organization is not aware of the fact that not all type of reports are allowed to be distributed, this results in an additional license need of 2900 licenses.