Reap the ROI!
Now that you know how a strong SAM program can produce a considerable ROI, it’s time to learn how to attain that strong SAM program. First, begin with a SAM Maturity Assessment to determine the baseline of your SAM maturity. Generally, the stages of SAM maturity begin with the discovery stage, before moving into normalization, compliance and reuse, and ultimately optimization.
Afterwards, improve license visibility by taking inventory of licenses that live on both your cloud and data center. Having your software and licenses distributed makes it very common to lose track of where this information lives, so this is a vital step. Next, expand your focus from solely license management into both compliance and contract management for subscription licensing.
Once your data has been organized, it is important to learn the unique opportunities and risks that your licenses provide. Looking forward, be sure to maintain reliable data regarding your SAM usage and consumption data to help track changes over time. Finally, be sure to craft a consistent governance model for your SAM strategy – and clearly communicate this to your team.
After your software asset management process has matured, it’s time to start enjoying your return on investment. The more software your organization uses, the more ROI you can expect to enjoy. This is because SAM allows organizations to discover software licenses that has been lost or forgotten. Software asset management will help identify and consolidate these misplaced programs, and assist with organizing software across your network infrastructure going forward.