SoftwareOne case study

How a manufacturer enables innovation by accelerating its operations by 22% with DevOps

A woman in a lab coat looking through a microscope.

For manufacturers of healthcare products and devices, innovation is a necessity. Find out how one US-based manufacturer partnered with SoftwareOne to take advantage of Azure DevOps and agile methodologies, and how this enabled them to put the right processes in place to drive innovation.

The healthcare sector is changing almost daily. As the population ages, new medical challenges arise and need to be addressed.

The company manufactures life-changing medical devices. Due to the nature of their business, their development process was non-standard and complex. This presented some challenges for the teams, particularly in terms of communication.

Manufacturer of medical devices and equipment
Healthcare, Manufacturing
Azure Cloud
Application Services
United States

Tackling misalignment

Stakeholders were not always clear about the progress of the work. And because the team was distributed, working across different regions and time zones, it was not easy to keep everyone aligned and up to date.

Misunderstandings between people occasionally led to product quality issues, meaning a lot of time was spent resolving problems that could have been avoided. The company also had to maintain strict compliance with FDA and ISO requirements.

Streamlining production and improving collaboration was essential so that the customer could focus on developing new life-saving products.

Helping to innovate

The company partnered with SoftwareOne to introduce Azure DevOps practices into its production process, allowing it to streamline the flow of work and increase the value of the products it delivers.

Learn more about DevOps

DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices and tools. It enables cross-disciplinary teams to deliver value in the form of IT solutions or products faster and more efficiently. Bearing in mind that DevOps is not limited to a single team or tool, you can think of it as a set of practices that need to be followed to achieve the planned outcome in the shortest possible time.

SoftwareOne consultants helped the teams to adopt an agile approach (Scrum). Azure DevOps was introduced as a central communication and project management space for all stakeholders. With a single source of truth and work divided into clear chunks or sprints, people had better visibility of work progress and could manage their workloads more efficiently.

The tool was also integrated with the company's internal systems. As a result, the company's production process became more transparent, allowing each department to plan its work accordingly.

In addition, the building and testing processes were fully automated. This saved staff time on manual work and gave them more scope to resolve potential problems at an earlier stage.

The key objectives were to:

  • Standardise and simplify product development
  • Improve quality assurance to resolve potential problems at an earlier stage and ensure compliance with relevant regulations
  • Increase visibility of work progress
  • Centralise and improve communication between multiple teams

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Fulfilling the mission

The client's mission is to improve the quality of people's lives through its products. By improving the flow of information between teams, they are able to achieve their goals faster.

By adopting DevOps practices, they have reduced their time to market by 22%. As a result, the company can deliver life-changing solutions faster and adapt more quickly to new business and market demands.

DevOps tools have improved visibility of work progress and streamlined communication. As a result, the company was able to reduce its software development costs because the process took less time and there were fewer defects to fix.

Finally, the client is now able to manage its teams more efficiently and allocate resources more easily to where they are most needed. As a result, they are now free to focus on meaningful tasks and continue to deliver high quality medical supplies to people around the world.

An image of a blue and red light coming out of a box.

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