SoftwareOne DevOps Services

Deliver applications at the pace of business

Vibrant neon light show against a dark backdrop

DevOps Services

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable the continuous delivery of value to users. DevOps creates an environment that allows software development teams to flourish and focus on work that matters. It accelerates software delivery, improves technical operations, and reduces risk.

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    First time quality

    Minimize rework through well-documented requirements and low bug count code.

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    Remove repetitive and tedious tasks, allowing teams to focus on innovation.

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    Time to market

    Rapidly release working features, patches, and updates without downtime.

Embrace a culture of agility, automation, and quality by implementing DevOps platform solutions and levelling up your team’s software development practices with SoftwareOne.

Adopt modern software development practices like:

  • GitOps
  • DevSecOps
  • Observability
  • Platform engineering
A group of business people sitting around a table in a meeting.

Our services

SoftwareOne can help you build a plan, implement tools and automation, establish KPIs, and advance your DevOps cultural practices.

  • Process architecture consulting: Assess and measure existing capabilities, process architecture, and efficiency to build a technology roadmap that aligns to the vision and business objectives of your organization.
  • Adoption and change management: Empower developers to focus on innovation by embracing a culture of automation and first-time quality. Allow us to be your guides in this journey of cultural transformation.
  • Continuous improvement and innovation: Build a center of excellence within your organization, fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and growth.

Your cloud? We do that.

We build DevOps solutions for Microsoft Azure, GitHub, AWS, and Google Cloud.

  • Microsoft Azure logo
  • GitHub logo
  • AWS logo
  • Google Cloud logo
Blue and red light shining on a dark background

Want to learn about DevOps on Microsoft Azure?

Want to learn about DevOps on Microsoft Azure?

Neon lights against a black background

Connect with application development experts

Reach out to our experts to schedule a free modern applications workshop for you and your team.

Connect with application development experts

Reach out to our experts to schedule a free modern applications workshop for you and your team.