SoftwareOne Corporate NewsStans, SwitzerlandAd hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

SoftwareOne announces change to the Executive Board

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SoftwareOne Holding AG, a leading global software and cloud solutions provider, today announces that Neil Lomax, member of the Executive Board, has decided to leave SoftwareOne by the end of 2023 to spend more time with his family and pursue personal interests.

Neil joined SoftwareOne in 2008 and subsequently held various positions in sales and business development, including Regional President North America. In 2019, he was appointed President of Sales and joined the Executive Board, after which he led Software & Cloud Marketplace and successfully launched its new platform in 2022. Throughout his tenure, Neil played an instrumental role in building SoftwareOne’s worldwide sales organisation and deepening key partner relationships, particularly with Microsoft. Additionally, he was part of the Executive Board which led SoftwareOne’s IPO in 2019.

Brian Duffy, CEO of SoftwareOne said, “On behalf of the Board of Directors and Executive Board of SoftwareOne, I would like to sincerely thank Neil for his many contributions over the past 15 years which have been key to the company’s successful growth journey. His dedication, leadership and expertise have made a lasting impact on SoftwareOne. We wish him all the best for the future.”

Neil’s responsibilities will be transitioned to other members of the Executive Board.


About SoftwareOne

SoftwareOne is a leading global software and cloud solutions provider that is redefining how organizations build, buy and manage everything in the cloud. By helping clients to migrate and modernize their workloads and applications – and in parallel, to navigate and optimize the resulting software and cloud changes – SoftwareOne unlocks the value of technology. The company’s 9,250 employees are driven to deliver a portfolio of 7,500 software brands with sales and delivery capabilities in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, SoftwareOne is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the ticker symbol SWON. Visit us at
SoftwareOne Holding AG, Riedenmatt 4, CH-6370 Stans



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