Helping startups save time with better patent insights
After establishing an advice clinic for student and graduate entrepreneurs at the University of Portsmouth called iPass (Intellectual Property Advice Support Service), Joe realised the immense challenge faced by fledgling innovators in locating the patent data needed to guide their startups. Most patent databases are notoriously complex, requiring substantial expertise to navigate and interpret. Recognising the need for a more user-friendly solution, Joe was inspired by the burgeoning field of machine learning and AI tools and initiated a dialogue with Fredrik about developing a search tool that would simplify patent research for startups.
One significant hurdle with patent databases is that users struggle to optimise searches for existing patents that might be similar to their own ideas. This critical knowledge could enable them to change direction and refine their concepts, potentially saving months or even years of wasted effort on ideas that might have led to a dead end.
Additionally, larger organisations hold an advantage over smaller startups that can't afford to hire patent lawyers, making it challenging for these smaller entities to bring their ideas to fruition unless acquired. Joe and Fredrik believed that IPitome could help to balance the patent landscape. SoftwareOne began building the IPitome tool to help achieve the founders’ goals.