Unlock your security potential

Unlock your security potential

blue digital waves

Cyberattacks are on the rise. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated and targeting more businesses every day. You need to protect your data, your customers, and your reputation from these threats. But how do you know if you're using the best tools and practices for your cybersecurity needs?

Our one-hour Security Envisioning Workshop is designed to help you maximise the security licences that you’re already paying for.

Whatever tech stack you use, whether you’re in the cloud or on-prem, we’ll give you guidance on how to unlock your security potential.

SoftwareOne’s security experts will review your current security posture, give you insights on best practice, and provide three concrete actions to improve security with your existing licences.

You will get:

  • ‘Low hanging fruit’ – security actions you can take for an immediate impact
  • Ways to maximise security using your existing licences (without paying more)
  • Insights tailored to your organisation’s size, industry and tech stack


Fill in the form to schedule a workshop