SoftwareONE acquires GorillaStack to accelerate its cloud management capabilities for AWS and Azure
SoftwareONE Holding AG, a leading global provider of end-to-end software and cloud technology solutions, today announced that it has acquired GorillaStack, a cloud cost management and real-time event monitoring Software as a Service (SaaS) platform for Amazon Web Services (AWS). In line with SoftwareONE’s strategy, this acquisition will add capabilities within automation and security for the cloud, thereby accelerating its roadmap towards an innovative cloud management platform. This platform will also be made available to Microsoft Azure customers in the near term.
GorillaStack ( was co-founded in Sydney, Australia in 2015 by CEO Oliver Berger and CTO Elliott Spira. Today, it is one of only fifteen organizations worldwide to have achieved AWS Cloud Management Tools Competency status for resource and cost optimization.
The company’s cloud management capabilities will be added to SoftwareONE’s market leading PyraCloud, which provides a comprehensive spend management platform for software and cloud environments. The addition of GorillaStack will enhance the end-to-end value proposition for SoftwareONE’s 65,000+ customers, adding comprehensive cloud management capabilities to manage, optimize and automate hyperscale cloud platforms. GorillaStack will also continue to be available to customers on a standalone basis as “GorillaStack by PyraCloud”.
“This acquisition will enhance PyraCloud as a unique platform in the market by horizontally integrating the digital software supply chain and allowing customers to manage their assets in a hybrid, multi-cloud environment. Furthermore, this transaction reflects SoftwareONE’s ability to secure attractive capability-led acquisition opportunities, even during the most challenging times,” said Dieter Schlosser, SoftwareONE CEO.
Oliver Berger, GorillaStack CEO, said “We are excited about joining SoftwareONE and bringing market-leading cloud management and real-time security capabilities to customers globally”.
No financial details or transaction terms have been disclosed.
SoftwareONE is a leading global provider of end-to-end software and cloud technology solutions, headquartered in Switzerland. With capabilities across the entire value chain, it helps companies design and implement their technology strategy, buy the right software and cloud solutions at the right price, and manage and optimize their software estate. Its offerings are connected by PyraCloud, SoftwareONE’s proprietary digital platform, that provides customers with data-driven, actionable intelligence. With around 5,400 employees and sales and service delivery capabilities in 90 countries, SoftwareONE provides around 65,000 business customers with software and cloud solutions from over 7,500 publishers. SoftwareONE’s shares (SWON) are listed on SIX Swiss Exchange. For more information, please visit SoftwareONE Holding AG, Riedenmatt 4, CH-6370 Stans
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Anna Engvall Head of Investor RelationsNeue Winterthurerstrasse 82 8304 Wallisellen +41 44 832 41 37